Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day Twelve: Talking Too Much

I sometimes find myself talking about doing something rather than just going and doing it. I will thoroughly discuss the idea with friends and family. I will have inner dialogues about the pros and cons of an idea. I will talk to the idea to death and then never get from planning to doing. Here are some ways I have tried to break from this during this 31 days of “Dream. Plan. Do.”
I moved into a new home in June. I sort of kind of painted one room and wanted to start tackling the whole house. I have talked about painting other rooms. I borrowed DIY books from my sister-in-law. I have a pinterest board about it. I watch HGTV whenever I get the chance. Did I mention, I talk about painting the walls a lot! So in the spirit of getting stuff done, I went to Home Depot and bought paint. I told everybody that I was painting this Saturday. I hate being wasteful and I hate telling people I’m going to do something and then not do it. I put myself on the spot. I have been painting all day. (Pictures to come and thus the late post!)

I have also wanted to help out some of my friends who sell jewelry, candles, cosmetics, and do makeovers. I wanted to have them over for a sort of vendor party. Last night they all happened to be at the same place at the same time so we set a date for October 25th! Am I freaking out a little bit? Heck Yes, but my friends' excitement has been so infectious that it has encouraged me. 

So in the spirit of getting things done perhaps a little less talking about plans to do something and actually tell people when and where you are going to do it! Put yourself on the spot. Make yourself a little bit uncomfortable. As I am learning, the results are well worth it. Happy Weekend!

To Read 31 Days of Dream. Plan. Do. from the beginning click here


  1. This is so me!! I spend so much time pinning recipes, organizing projects, etc... I just never get around to actually cooking, cleaning... Great tip to set a date! I am ruled by my little planner/ calendar. If it is in there, it stands a much better chance at getting done.

  2. I think part of the reason I have the "talk too much" problem is I get overwhelmed by all of the ideas out there. I talk about 30 different pinterest projects and DIY magazine ideas and before I know it I have 30 "what ifs" and then nothing gets done.
